Tuesday 5 June 2018

Our Ocean

Our Ocean
Hope you enjoy!!! :D

Our Ocean.
Its peaceful,calmful,beautiful and threatening.
The ocean is related to our earth.
The ocean loves the sea life
The ocean feels sick after after all of the pollution
The ocean needs our help
The ocean gives us: oxygen, water, food and life
The ocean fears plastic.

The ocean would like to see all plastic terminated.
The ocean lives on our earth

Our beautiful ocean


  1. Maui what a great poem about our ocean what a strong message.
    Wow what a great poem that you came up with hope to see more.

  2. Wow, Maui, you are very poetic. Your choice of ideas really shows that you care for our ocean and that we should all reduce the pollution as it's making our beautiful oceans sick! Your personification of the ocean makes your poem's message powerful.

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